Julian Butler Theatre Composer
Julian Butler Theatre Composer Home

Current Compositions The Everywhere Bear
Can Bears Ski?
Red Riding Hood
The Snow Queen

I am a freelance theatre composer and sound designer working from my studio in sunny south London. I specialise in theatre for children and families. You can listen to lots on my Music page.

Some of my shows are available for performance in North America through Plays for New Audiences.


Julian Butler New
The Everywhere Bear continues at Little Angel Theatre in London, starting to day and running until...

I have written the music for The Night Before Christmas, which opens today at Polka Theatre...

Can Bears Ski? is a collaboration between Pied Piper and Deafinitely Theatre....

The Everywhere Bear opens today at Polka Theatre...

Burglar Bill begins a three month tour today, courtesy of Pied Piper Theatre Company...

Little Angel Theatre's Miniature Travelling Circus opens at Little Angel Theatre today, with music by me...

Twirlywoos, based on the CBeebies hit TV show, comes to the West End next month...

Twirlywoos - Julian Butler I am co-composer and sound designer on the show...

Little Angel Theatre's The Paper Dolls is now open at New Wimbledon Theatre, for Christmas...

The Storm Whale is spending Christmas at York Theatre Royal...


Star In the Jar is now on tour until February...

Star In the Jar

Dig!, the brand new show from Pied Piper Theatre is now open, with music written by me...

Twirlywoos, based on the CBeebies hit TV show, is now a live theatre experience.

Twirlywoos - Julian Butler I am co-composer and sound designer on the show...

Grandad's Island pops off on another UK tour today, starting at the East Riding Theatre in Beverley...
Grandad's Island - Julian Butler

The Wind In the Willows opens today at Polka Theatre. I have written music and lyrics for this adaptation... Wind in the willows

The Everywhere Bear opens today at Polka Theatre.

Everywhere BearBased on the book by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb, it's a 45 minute musical with songs by me...

My musical Neverland opens today at the Casa Manana Theater in Texas, USA.

Directed by Noah Putterman...

The Snow Queen opens today at Polka Theatre, where it runs until February 2018. I have written the music...
The Snow Queen Polka Theatre

Julian Butler Theatre Composer
My brother Stephen and I have made an album. It's called Honour Among Thieves, and is available now through iTunes and Amazon.

Here is a video for the single, Salvation.

Time Stands Still
, from Engine House's Beauty and the Beast, is available through iTunes and all the rest.

It was recorded in my studio and features the amazing vocals of David McAlmont.
...read more

Julian Butler Flat StanleyA recording of Flat Stanley, a musical with book by Mike Kenny and music and lyrics by me, is available to download free here. It features the voices of Helen Woolf, Sam Hallion, Adam Ryan and myself. Matt Hutchinson plays drums, and I play everything else. It was recorded in my studio, Thirteen and a Half.

I have made a Gallery so you can properly stalk me.

If you feel inclined, you can download vocal scores for four of my musicals: Neverland, Flat Stanley, Beauty and the Beast and Run!.

Julian Butler News

Julian Butler NeverlandThe soundtrack album of my musical, Neverland is available here to listen to, or download free. I wrote the book, music and lyrics. The show spent Christmas 2015 at Lakeside Arts in Nottingham. It is available for performance in the USA and Canda through Plays for Young Audiences.

Julian Butler Theatre ComposerBeauty and the Beast, featuring songs by me and a script by Mike Kenny, is available for performance in the USA and Canada through Plays for Young Audiences. You can listen to the soundtrack here, and peek at the Vocal Score here.

You can have a good poke around my studio here.

My beloved band, Viper Squadron, have made three albums. You can listen to them for free here:

Drop me an email: jules@julianbutler.co.uk Website design © 2012-2023 Julian Butler.